Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Senioritis is something that I did not believe was a real thing. I would hear upperclassmen above me comment on how they have senioritis and I would simply just think it was a joke or a saying and never really think anything of it. But now being a senior and having only about a month left of school I have discovered that it is a very real thing. My mind is not focused on high school anymore and the simple action of coming to school now doesn't feel right. After the four long years and all the ups and downs high school has given me I’m ready to be free. Now that I work a real job and know that in four months I’ll be living on my own in a different state a simple task like writing an essay feels unnecessary. I have written so many essays here at fairview and they have all been the same, why do I need to write one more. My mind is as far away from fairview as you can get. Seeing all the small freshmen acting the way I did four years ago makes me feel uncomfortable, I'm in such a different place in my life and have experienced so much since freshmen year having to complete the same task they are having to complete and being treated in a similar way as them feels wrong. Also, as much love I love my classmates, I already have my set friends at fairview that I know will always be my friends. So, unlike the freshmen I am not looking to make any more friends than I already have at fairview. I feel I have no point to come to school, Its so mundane and routine now that its hard to force myself to go. I only have one goal and its pass my classes and graduate.  

Friday, January 24, 2014

My human theme this semester is fear. This is because I think that fear controls so many peoples life. Many things people do in there life is based off of fear. Fear of failing; as humans we always want to feel like we are doing the right thing in our lives, We fear that were not living up to what were suppose to be. We fear that we are making mistakes so we try our very best to always do the “right” thing. We fear of what people think, We constantly try our best to impress people because we need the recognition that we are worth something. We fear not being perfect. We act differently because we fear that if we act the way we truly are we will be judged. We fear the future, we fear what may happen to us. Nobody truly knows what the next day, hour, minute will be. This lack of control fears us, so we try our very best to take control of our futures. We fear that we will make the wrong choice right now and we will ruin our future because of that choice. But what many fear most in the future is death. People base their lives on the fact that they will die someday. Some base their actions on the fact that we will die someday. We will never know what there is after death. Some people base their life off the fact that after death there is nothing. It makes us live fuller and care less. But how do you distinguish between what is a rational or irrational fear when we are taught to fear so many things. When we are taught that there are so many dangerous and scary things in the world. I know that I don’t want my kids to grow up fearful of everything, but I don’t want them to think that everything is safe. Fear has control over our lives and society. Fear is everywhere.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


 I was thinking about the word worth for quite a while, trying to think about what I wanted to write about in this blog post. I realized the word worth has so many different meanings and Ideas.  But when I looked up the definition I discovered that the word worth is all based off your personal opinion. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/worth .The definition is open ended. The first definition that dictionary.com gives for worth is  

good or important enough to justify (what is specified): adviceworth taking; a place worth visiting.

YOU have to decide if the advice is worth taking, it’s your opinion and life experiences that will make you decide if something is good or important enough to justify. Everybody’s opinion on this will be different.

Worth is based off individuals and the way they have grown up or been taught. People’s opinion on their own self-worth is based off many different things that may have happened in that person’s life. Somebody that grew up in a very poor town might believe that they are worth nothing, while a person that has grown up in a rich town might believe that they are worth everything. But sometimes it also might be the exact opposite from that, completely flipped around. It’s all dependent on the way the person thinks. What do you think worth is judged from? It’s all personal opinion.  

So what if you are unsure about what is important or good enough to justify. What if you don’t know if it’s really “worth” your time or not. What if you don’t know what your own self-worth is. That is why now days we have people telling us and teaching us how to judge worth.

Maybe you don’t know what your worthy of? Your own self-worth you’re confused about. There are books you can read about that to. http://www.whatisyourselfworth.com/

There is a step-by-step guide for you to build self-worth available http://www.wikihow.com/Build-Self-Worth

Or if its money your confused about. There are books you can read to know if it’s worth it or not worth that financial decision. http://www.amazon.com/Worth-Not-Profitable-Financial-Questions/dp/1455508446

This is why yes, worth is judges by personal opinion only but there are many things and people that can influence your personal opinion and the way we think of our own worth or others worth. So what are your thoughts on your own worth? Was it worth your time to read this blog?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

 The only reasonable way I can see this war ending is for the pile that currently occupies the table to be packed up and put away, so no one can violate the owner’s dishes with crumbs or wayward rice grains.  I have some additional conflict resolution ideas involving hiding all of the dishes, or liberal use of a label maker, but I feel certain neither of those ideas will actually get us anywhere. One of my favorite Dr. Seuss books as a kid was There’s a Wocket in My Pocket, and after about fifty pages of that kid who is in all of Dr. Seuss’ books listing all of the weird rhyming creatures that live in his house (nupboards in the cupboards, noothgrush on the toothbrush and all that), he finally says, “that’s the kind of house we live in, and I hope we never leave it.”  Which, despite the dish and other insanity, is sort of true of the house I live in right now, and of all the bizarre living situations I’ve had and those yet to come.   I mean, what good is it to move into crappy houses with strangers if you’re not going to at least get some good stories, and generally really good free entertainment out of the deal?  
I enjoy the way that she uses humor to make us understand the feeling of the house. The house seems like a very humorous place and I think her word choices and sentence structures display this. I like how she states outrageous options she could do. It creates crazy, funny images in your head. When she then compares her house to a Dr. Seuss book it really hits the point that her house is crazy. All of Dr. Success's books are a little wacky and reminds me exactly of what her house might feel like inside. She then ends with a question to the reader that makes you keep thinking even after the passage is over. It was a great story! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Obsession.  It comes in many forms and many degrees. Everybody has probably had “obsessive” moments in their life. Maybe you’ve been obsessed with a band, a certain food, a clothing item, or maybe even a person. Things you might tell your friends about and all laugh about how silly it is.  But what happens when the obsession crosses the line to a disorder, when a person can’t even leave their house because their obsessions are controlling their thoughts. They feel completely incomplete and anxious if they do not complete a certain task. 2.3 percent of the population between ages 18-54 suffers from Obsessive Compulsive disorder.  Obsessive Compulsive disorder is a disorder that affects people in many different ways, but all has to do with a person being overly obsessed, causing them to act in a certain way. There has been a lot of research done on treatment for OCD. Just 10 days ago FOX news did an article on a new kind of treatment called exposure treatment.  This is a treatment where they expose the patient to different environments and slowly try to turn the patient away from the obsessive behavior they may have in that environment.  OCD is a mental disorder that takes a lot of time and energy to change.
                But what I was wondering was if this disorder is more common now because of our modern society and values. I thought this because in some ways a lot of OCD symptoms and sighs are safety or image based, things that our looked at and spoken a lot about in our society right now. I thought that it must be a more modern disorder. But after doing some research I discovered OCD has been in our History since 1489. Martin Luther the Man who was the leader of the Protest Reformation in Europe suffered from OCD.  Charles Darwin also suffered from OCD. It surprised me that so many people in our history and presently suffer from OCD.  
It’s also interesting to think about the fact that all of this history and research done on OCD is all based of a single emotion that someone has. A single emotion that shapes a person’s life and personality. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Madelyn Patterson, Blog Carnival
Rebel-a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country.

Rebelling is a popular thing. I think that the word rebel is a word with many meanings and emotions surrounding it. There are so many people that would probably tell you that being a rebel is a bad thing, that you should always follow the rules because they are there for a reason. Then there are many people that say being a rebel is a good thing.  That you need to stick up for yourself and your beliefs or else nothing will change.  So how do you decide if being rebellious is something that you should do or shouldn’t do?  On the link posted below there is a small Article written by a group called “Rebels at Work”. At the bottom of the article they create a chart that I find interesting.  The chart shows there opinion on what they think a “good” rebels traits are verse the traits a “bad” rebel has. The chart proves that you can be a rebel but in a way that is considerate of other peoples thoughts and rules.

So then the next question is, how do you know that your opinions are worth rebelling for? In the article below it states that teenagers actually rebel because their brains are developing and changing every day. It also says that teens are more likely to rebel because they are the ones who are the most connected to society and the pressures that are given to be rebellious.  This makes me question if teenagers actually have reason to rebel or if it’s just because of what we are being taught or the way are brains are calculating ideas.

Although teenagers may not have complete control over there “rebellious” side, other people in our history seem to know exactly why they are rebelling and how to do it. In our world’s history there have been long planned out rebellions.  These Rebellions are to prove to a higher power that they are not just going to stand by and watch while something they don’t like happen. It’s something that has been in our world’s history for years and years.  In this article written by Wikipedia list rebellions throughout history. If you look at the list, it is shocking to see how many rebellions there have been in our world.

You may think that my different thoughts on the word rebel don’t fully mix all together. This is because I am wanting to show how many different things can be associated with the word “Rebel”. There are so many different sides and thoughts about the word.  There are so many different kinds of Rebellions and Rebels. There are so many different ways to Rebel. Our world revolves around people rebelling, or not rebelling.  Rebelling is a popular thing; it’s what makes people feel like they have control over their thoughts and ideas.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Did Chris McCandless die Happy? I really hope that by the end of reading this book we find out if he died happy or not. I think the question "Did Chris McCandless die Happy?" really is the only thing that will tell us if his whole journey was worth it. When I read all of our classes questions, they were all about why he left, what he did to get him in the place he got, or if he was being brave or just stupid. Those questions are all relevant and will be interesting to find out. But when it comes down to it, he did die. So all of those things are more or less pointless. It really doesn't matter if he was being ungrateful for the stuff he was given. Pretend he was completely grateful about everything that was given to him, he still would have died. So all that really matters is if being ungrateful was what made him happy, then he was doing the right thing. Chris McCandless had only one thing that was truly his in these last few years of his life. That was his happiness. He was living alone, if he wasn't happy he would of gone back home from the start. That is why I wonder if he died happy or not. If he died in regret or unhappiness this story will be one of pure sadness. If he dies unhappy, we will know that he was not being himself the entire book , because deep down it's not what he really wanted or the way he wanted to die. But if he dies happy then you know it was all worth it, all his stupidity, all his work, all his fight was for him to leave this world the way he wanted to.